Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Fashion Photography, Modeling and the Effects That Photoshopped Pictures Have on the Body Image of the American Public

Today's class was great! We started off talking about the effects that digitally manipulated photos can have on our body images. After the introduction, we began by watching 3 videos featured below.

After watching these videos, we spoke about the benefits that this sort of image manipulation can produce for businesses and marketing agencies. We also spoke about the negative effects that it can have on people's self image. After that, we fielded questions from the class and also heard lots of great opinions about the topic.

During the last part of the class, we learned how to create some of these effects in Photoshop. The three tools that we used today were the spot healing brush, the clone stamp tool, and the liquefy filter

The pictures below are of a model named Kelly Brook. The first photo is shown before any manipulation was performed with Photoshop. The second photo is what we had when we were done the demonstration. Most of the work we did consisted of removing any blemishes or wrinkles from her skin, making her arms thinner, making her legs thinner, tightening up her waist, straightening out her bathing suit bottom and lifting and decreasing the size of her top. These are all actions that would be performed when preparing a photo to be placed in an ad. If you click on the photos, you can see them in a larger size and also flip back-and-forth to see the before and after effects a little more dramatically.

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