Thursday, October 30, 2014

Cameras Must Be Brought To School Tomorrow

Bring your camera to school tomorrow and you will receive a grade of 5pts.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Assignment #2

Ok everybody, below is our next major assignment. Download the file, take a good look and print it out when you're ready to attach the prints and hand it in. Don't forget to fill out the photo log!

This project will be due Friday, 11/14/2014.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Friday's Assignment

YES!!! I should be back on Monday!!! In the meantime, here's a good tutorial for a Friday. This tutorial is all about how to create a field blur, which is super useful for aspiring photographers, such as yourselves :) Just like the last 2 days, Give me 3 images with this effect added to each one. Remember to copy the background layer for full credit. (30 pts.)

Have a great day and I'll see you on Monday!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Thursday's Assignment

Check this out! This tutorial shows you how to straighten a crooked photo in Photoshop. Select 3 photos either from the Internet or from the images you scanned and straighten them using this tutorial. Remember, COPY THE BACKGROUND LAYER!!! This also allows me to see a before and after view of your work. Each corrected photo is worth 5 pts. Each corrected photo without a background layer is worth 2.5 pts. If you haven't copied the background layers in your assignment from yesterday, go back and fix them. The same grading rule applies.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Today's Assignment - Adding A Narrow Depth Of Field Using Photoshop

Ok everybody, sad to say, but I'm going to be out until Friday at the earliest and Monday at the latest. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about it, so we'll just have to deal the best we can. In the mean time, we're going to do some of the Photoshop work we'd normally do later in the semester.

Today's assignment revolves around creating a shallow/narrow depth of field using Photoshop instead of a low numbered f-stop on your camera. Here's the link for the tutorial:

Take 3 images that you have scanned, or images from the Internet, and use the tutorial to create a narrow depth of field for each of the 3 images. Of course to do this, you need to start with an image that has a wide depth of field.

This assignment is worth 30 pts., so each properly edited image will earn you 10 pts. Remember, help each other if you're having trouble. Have fun and I'll see you soon!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Google Drive Presentation for Assignment #1

Ok, so to present Assignment #1, we are going to create a Google Drive Presentation to show to the class. Here's the requirements:

  • 12 pts. - Each presentation will contain 6 slides of photos
    • Slides 1 & 2 will contain a set of photos from part 1 of the assignment
    • Slides 3 & 4 will contain a set of photos from part 2 of the assignment
    • Slides 5 & 6 will contain a set of photos from part 3 of the assignment
  • 12 pts. - Each slide will have the shutter speed, f-stop, film ISO and lighting conditions listed.
  • 6 pts. - Each slide will have the name of the photo listed.
    • Be creative and make up some good names for your photos :)
Below is an example of what the first couple slides of a completed presentation will look like.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Projects Due On Tuesday And An Important Reminder

 Tuesday the following assignments are due:

  •  Film must be shot for Assignment #1.
  •  Terminator hue change.
  •  Black and white to color assignment.

 Also, all the information from your computer must be backed up because the entire lab will be wiped on Monday. We announced this earlier last week as well as Thursday and today. Today we even learned how to upload files to, so we could back everything up. If you're missing anything when we come back on Tuesday it will be marked as a zero since we've been stressing the importance of backing up files since the beginning of the semester. Have a great weekend and shoot some great photos!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Today we are going to take the graphic below and change the red colors to another color of your choice. The tools you should use are the lasso tool, magic wand tool, quick selection tool or any other tool you can think of that can make an accurate selection. This assignment will be due on Tuesday 10/14.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Major Assignment #1

Here's the handout that we'll be using for our first photo shoot assignment.
Below this handout is your Photo Log.

You MUST fill out the photo log.